Understanding Subluxation, Chiropractic Care and Medical Terminology
Understanding what a subluxation is, how chiropractors treat the spine and musculoskeletal system, and the terminology used can be quite confusing. Terms like "subluxation," "spinal misalignment," "spinal dysfunction," and "segmental and somatic dysfunction" might sound like intimidating medical jargon. However, these terms describe important conditions that affect our overall health and well-being. This article aims to clarify these concepts, explaining the symptoms, causes, and treatments in a straightforward manner.
Subluxation vs. Segmental and Somatic Dysfunction vs. Spinal Dysfunction
According to the United States Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the terms “Subluxation” (a chiropractic term), “Segmental and Somatic Dysfunction” (a medical/osteopathic term), and "Spinal Dysfunction" are all synonymous. The terms can be used interchangeably and refer to exactly the same thing. In my experience, most chiropractors will either use the term "subluxation", "spinal dysfunction" or "spinal misalignment" when discussing spinal problems with their patients.
What exactly does Segmental and Somatic Mean?
The term "segmental" refers to the joints of the body.
The term "somatic" refers to the body's interconnected framework of skeleton, muscles, vasculature, lymphatics and nerves.
What is a Subluxation?
When looking to define the term "subluxation", it is important to recognize that there are two different categories of “subluxation”: medical subluxation and chiropractic subluxation. (Yes, I know this is already getting confusing. Just stick with it).
What Does a Medical Subluxation Mean?
A medical subluxation refers to a joint that is partially dislocated. Usually caused by trauma, this type of injury is characterized by significant joint instability with damage to the ligaments, tendons, joints and/or surrounding tissues and possibly accompanied with severe pain. Diseases and medications that damage connective tissue can also lead to medical subluxations. You will commonly see the term “subluxation” on an x-ray report from a medical radiologist. This is NOT what chiropractors mean when they use the term “subluxation”.
What is a Chiropractic Subluxation?
A chiropractic subluxation (also called a vertebral subluxation or vertebral subluxation complex when referring to the spine) pertains to a FUNCTIONAL problem involving the bones/joints, associated musculature, and nervous system (the neuro-musculoskeletal system). The dysfunction occurs in all three systems (bones/joints, muscles, nerves) simultaneously and are interdependent on each other. Subluxations can affect tissues and structures local to the lesion as well as associated systems and tissues throughout the body.
Subluxations can occur in any individual at any age.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of a Subluxation?
Symptoms of a subluxation may include (but are not limited to):
Other indications can include changes in tissue tone (skin, fascia, muscle, and ligament), asymmetry/misalignment (postural, muscular, skeletal, strength, neural integrity), range of motion abnormalities (changes in active, passive, and/or accessory joint movements resulting in an increase or a decrease of sectional or segmental mobility) and tenderness to palpation.
It is important to understand that these signs and symptoms can occur independently or in any combination with multiple signs and symptoms occurring at the same time. It is equally important to recognize that a subluxation can be present without any overt subjective complaints. You DO NOT have to be in pain to be diagnosed with a subluxation.
Can Subluxations Cause Other Problems in the Body?
Yes, subluxations can cause or contribute to other problems in the body. In fact, it is very common to have at least one other (if not multiple) problems related to the subluxation. Anytime there is a loss of normal neuro-musculoskeletal function, especially in the spine and weight bearing joints, there can be a cascade of effects both local and distant to the subluxation. The severity and chronicity of the dysfunction will influence the presentation of these effects (i.e. the more severe the dysfunction and/or the longer you have had the subluxation the more likely the secondary and tertiary problems will be significant). Common conditions caused or exacerbated by subluxations include (but are not limited to):
Back pain
Neck pain
Degenerative Joint Disease (e.g. osteoarthritis)
Degenerative Disc Disease (e.g. disc bulge and herniation)
Cervical Radiculopathy
Thoracic Radiculopathy
Lumbar and Lumbosacral Radiculopathy
Sacro-Iliac (SI) Joint Pain and Dysfunction
Facet Syndrome
Double Crush Syndrome
Headache and Migraine

What causes Subluxations?
A subluxation can be caused by anything that directly or indirectly affects normal function of a joint (and its associated muscles and nerves) to the extent that restoration of normal function does not occur. Some of the more common causes include:
Poor posture
Motor vehicle accident and whiplash
Lifting/mechanical injury
Repetitive motion
Jobs and sports that involve repetitive one sided movement (e.g. golf swing, line work, dentistry, etc.)
Tight and/or asymmetrical muscle tone
Mental/emotional stress (which causes the muscles around the joint to tighten and/or increased sensitivity to pain perception)
Prolonged sitting
How to Correct a Subluxation?
How do you correct a subluxation? The most common and effective way to correct a subluxation is with a chiropractic treatment called an adjustment. Medications and physical therapy modalities can also be used in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments to achieve complete correction of the neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunction and address other downstream effects of the subluxation. For more information about chiropractic adjustments, how long it takes to correct a subluxation, and what to expect following a chiropractic adjustment (click here).
Understanding subluxations and their impact on our body is essential for maintaining good health. By recognizing the signs and seeking appropriate chiropractic care, we can prevent further complications and improve our overall well-being.
To schedule a chiropractic appointment or learn more about my practice, please visit www.Springfield-Chiropractic.com
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Wishing you good health.
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